Book List

 I'm maintaining my Goodreads account and this page updated through the years. In my GR account, you could see the bar progression in the books that I currently reading. In 2020 backward, I did not really into books, and most of the time I was just reading self-help-type books which I hope in 2021 onwards I would read more non-fiction, *quite* serious, work-related books and put those in the lists. 

Currently Reading:
3. 1Q84
4. GRIT.


Wish List:
4. A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.
5. Storyworthy.

Parking Lot:
These books that I have in the library but did not finish yet (if at all) because they are too difficult for me at the current time or I am just lazy.

Finished Books by Year of Completion:


Before 2020:
Most of my physical books left in my hometown and I barely remember what I already read. Yet, here are some of the highlights.


In the past, I'd consider myself a big fan of Dee Lestari's fiction writing style. My love for reading books began when I read "perahu kertas" even though the book mostly talks about love-life yet it successfully pulled me into a different dimension where I could imagine the whole new world aside from the real world that I was living for.

    - Perahu kertas.
    - Supernova: The Knight, The Princess, and The Falling Star.
    - Supernova: The Root.
    - Supernova: The Lightning.
    - Supernova: The Particle.
    - Supernova: The Wave.
    - Madre.
    - Coffee Philosophy.


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